Friday 24 May 2019


ON Friday May 17th Room 8 Room 18 and Room 7 went to stardom for a visit we first meet the main person who was going to show us around. His name was Josh He was really nice. He Let us in So we could look around and then we went into a small little room.With all the cool planets on the wall. He talked to us about the Milky way the Sun and MY favorite planet Saturn.
Here are the cool planets we learned about Did you know that there are also Dwarf planet almost near every planet Cool right We went in a small dome room to watch a movie the movie. It was a little girl who wanted to prove to her dad that she can find a other planet for another Humans to live on.


  1. I like how you were doing star dome it was fun when we did this, we had a to watch a movie.

    from Damien

  2. Hi Damien Thank you for replying, to My blog Yes stardom was really fun and WE also watched a cool movie. Have you ever tried to Cheek your sentence that it make's seance. By the way What is your favorite planet Blog you later!!😁😁

  3. hi Joyce my name is solomone and I am in room 25 and I like how you told Damien
    to check his work and I like how you post star dome


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